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Online Resource Centre

TGLN's one source for all documents and forms.

Welcome to TGLN's Online Resource Centre

This website hosts all of TGLN's reference documents, policies, process instructions and forms. For the most up-to-date procedures and forms, please only use this site to access and print them.

This site is maintained by the Quality Department

If you have any questions or requests regarding this site please contact OH-TGLN_Quality@ontariohealth.ca.  For 24/7 emergency help you can contact ServiceDesk at servicedesk@giftoflife.on.ca.

Document Submission Cut-Off and Publishing Dates

Note: Document Submission Cut-Off Time is Noon

Cut-Off Date

Publishing Date
        April 24, 2024
         June 5, 2024
June 26, 2024
July 24, 2024

     August 28, 2024

     September 25, 2024
     October 30, 2024
      November 27, 2024
    December 31, 2024
       January 29, 2025
     February 26, 2025
       March 26, 2025

Links last checked: April 19, 2024